The following was the first installment written a few weeks prior to the staging of our 16 song concert version in Jan. 2006.
The Prometheus Chronicle #11/20/2006Okay, so, a couple of friends have asked that I drop them notes once in a while from Portland here in the last weeks before the musical for a little behind the scenes,
pre-show kind of look at things… kind of a
Prometheus blog sort of thing… (okay, it’s really just my mom telling me i better write home), but anyhow… I’
ve pasted a few of your addresses in the blind cc box so that if you do come to the show, you’ll feel like you’re a bit more in the know… and if you can’t make the show you’re still tied into the drama.
So, here’s a little reflection from this morning’s outing with the Park Rose Choir… pardon my arrogance in thinking this is really interesting to anyone but me; if that is the case, you know where the delete button is… if not, read on.
Just back from working with the 64 member Park Rose Choir that is going to be backing us up on a couple of songs. So cool to watch them react to the music. On the song
Ambition there is the choir part at the end where they sing, “ordained to shine, ordained to shine, ordained to shine…” When the song ended this girl in the second row draws in a big breath, shivers and says, “I just love how dramatic this is!” And the whole choir goes, “Yeah!”
On Dare We To Dream, the whole choir was moving and bobbing and jiving
through their, “this is the dream we dare to dream, dare we to dream, we dare to dream; this is the dream…” and at the end they break into spontaneous applause. It’s just so cool to have so visibly struck a chord with 15, 16 and 17 year old kids. I drove home thinking that at last the snowball is really really rolling and everything is only getting bigger from here.

fantastic scoop is that Pandora (Julianne Johnson) has made room for our show in her always busy performance schedule. She is amazing and we are thrilled to have her as part of the show! She is the quintessential
Dazzling Queen of Misfortune and the part was very literally written for her. When we were trying to come up with music for
Pandora, Michael and I were stuck. Then there was a knock a the door upstairs and a call through the house, "Micheal, Michael... is there any coffee in this house?" I said, Who's that? And Michael said, "Pandora!" And before Julianne made it down the stairs, Michael was halfway through the song. We couldn't be happier to have her as part of the show.